What is
Loquat is a nutrient-rich plant native to China and brought to Hawaii, with incredible, life-changing health benefits.
The Loquat tree is native to Central Eastern China, and was introduced to Japan over 1000 years ago. The Loquat tree was brought to Hawaii during the plantation era in the early 1800’s. Chinese and Japanese immigrants planted Loquat farms on the slopes of Haleakala, which is where the best fruit still grows now, here on Maui. Although Loquat has not been farmed or utilized on Maui for decades, because the fruit contains so many seeds it has continued to propagate naturally!
The health benefits of the Loquat plant are vast. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used Loquat for thousands of years in many forms.
There are three parts of the Loquat plant that we use in our products:
Loquat fruit is packed with vitamins and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of Carotenoids, which have been shown to enhance the immune system and reduce inflammation. Triterpenes are a naturally occurring chemical compound found in plants. Because of the specific triterpene acids found in Loquat, the fruit improves lung and respiratory function. The Loquat fruit is used in our Loquat Cough Syrup.
Loquat leaves are used in traditional preparations of tea and medicine. The Loquat leaves naturally occurring acids also improve lung and respiratory function, and are used as both a demulcent and an expectorant, which can help soothe the respiratory and digestive tracts. Loquat leaves also provide a naturally occurring sedative effect, wonderful for sleep aid and nervous system relaxation.
Loquat seeds contain a concentrated dose of Vitamin B17, also called Laetrile and Amygdalin. This Vitamin has been shown to both prevent and treat cancer (we never make any claims, although the science shows a likelihood of these benefits). The B17 molecule is only breakable by Glucosidase. There are up to 3000 times more Glucosidase in a cancer cell than there is in a normal cell. Glucosidase is the enzyme that “unlocks” the cyanide and benzaldehyde found in the Loquat seed. When this happens, a toxic synergy is created that specifically targets the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely untouched and unharmed. The concentration of B17 in the Loquat seed is up to 30 times more potent than in other similar fruits seeds.